Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Ring by Eugene Shin

Skinny boy with a pair of old broken shoes gets in the ring.
There is a huge amount of pressure in the stadium.
The champion is taller than the boy.
He has a longer reach than the boy has.
The boy’s coach motivates and pumps him up.
But, he can’t focus on what the coach’s saying.
The champion doesn’t even look at the boy.
No one in the stadium yells his name.
The fight begins, but, no one expects the boy to win.
The champion doesn’t move but only throws the jab.
The boy gets punched for the whole first round.
He is exhausted but doesn’t give up yet.
The opponent looks fine and just jokes around.

Second round begins, and the champion gets more aggressive.
The champion tries to make a fancy move
and waits to make a brutal K.O.
The boy gets too many punches,
but it seems he’s waiting for something.
His stamina has almost reached its limit.
His front tooth wobbles.
He is just about to throw up because of blood stinginess on his mouse.
But the fire on his eye is more flaming than before.
The audiences are frantic with joy.
The audience in the stand couldn’t hold his excitement and throws the bottle to the ring.
The boy got punched too many times
and he finally dropped his guard down.
The champion makes the biggest right hook.
But the boy was not done yet.
He dodges to the left.
And gives a short but thick hook.
He Knocks the champion out
and then a sudden awkward silence.
The blood from boy’s eye rim soaks his old grimy shoes.
Counting to ten,
but still the silence.
The referee brings the boy’s fist to the air.
The spectators finally shout his name into the air.

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