Saturday, February 18, 2012

Creative Writers

With the end of the trimester yesterday, came a rush of poems and short stories being posted on the blog. Many of the people in Mr. Bean's Creative Writing class decided to put up one of their pieces from the class for display on this blog, sharing them with the world. Read them, learn from them, be inspired by them, and write! Just write whatever comes to mind, be it in the form of poetry or prose. Write, and rewrite, and rewrite again, until you have something you are truly proud of. Then, when you do, you can send it in an email to one of the admins of this blog, or you can post it in a comment on one of the pieces that you like the most. You can choose to remain anonymous, or you can share your name, it's all up to you. But anonymous or not, only when you share your work can you receive feedback and grow, or bring enjoyment and pleasure to the readers.

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