Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer Writing

It's summer time! two days it will be. But summer means that you have lots of free time (unless you're like me and want to do a million and one things instead of lazing around in the sun and going swimming), and lots of free time means plenty of time to write! So let inspiration run wild, and the words fall to the paper as if from a spring in your fingers, or in your pencil. Don't be afraid of exposing your thoughts, because there is a second identity within you, and it is called Anonymous. Just write and shout to the world that these are your words, the words of a human, just like them. Let them know that you exist and are very much alive. If your words are out there, people will see, and people will listen. So write about what is meaningful to you, write about the things you like, write about everything and anything that you want, and people will see.



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