Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Everyone in the world has something about them that is unique solely to them.

IDENTITY. What is it? Showing who you are....It is YOU. You can’t be you if you are lacking your identity...IDENTITY IS EVERYTHING.

How does one debate identity? Can one debate identity?

It is religion, beliefs, thoughts, actions. Very much is it ACTIONS. BUT HOW.....? How....what? HOW WHAT? How can I answer my questions when I don’t know what the questions are?!?!

identity....controversial? What can be
controversial about identity?
Some could make it controversial. Pretty easily too. But perhaps not I.

“You need to be more controversial....to make it good.”
WHY? Why does it HAVE to be controversial?
Identity. What about it? It’s important....ok. It’s who you are....fine. But what is it? How does one write a paragraph about it, how does one develop a thesis about it?

Forget “one” -- how do I?

People want things. What do they want? I don’t know. Things. Lots of things.
These things people want help to shape their identity, whether they intend for it or not.

Here’s an idea: “Identity is a false proposition to make people think that they are unique, something intended for the sole purpose of making people feel good about themselves.”

. . . But it’s not my idea. What’s this about a “personal theory?” How can it be a personal theory if it’s not my idea...?

But I could make it work . . . right? I could argue it. . .

Then again, I don’t agree with it. “You don’t have to agree with it to like it.”
Ok. But what if I don’t like it?

Could I argue in favor of something that I don’t even like,
let alone agree with?

Probably not.

“Do you have something that works?”
“Yup.” Pfft. You’re kidding, right?

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