Tuesday, February 1, 2011


by Andrew Nesbitt

I sit here with the computer on
In a dark room, the screen illuminating
The only bright thing
There is nothing to do
Yet there is so much to do

How will this ever get done?
This makes me want to cry
Does this even have a point?
Because history is dead

I have words in sentences that only make since in my head
When they get to the page, what does that mean?
The teacher is not going to like this
The whole page looks like a Boggle board

I was never made for languages of forgean lands
The charters on the page
Looks like some crash test car
Not representing a word, but a pile of scrap metal
And you expect me to know all of them?

Equations and formulas
Where do they all go?
What do they all do?
Is my mind playing tricks on me?
I went into that test with my mind as blank as the naked page
Straight from the factory in Rumford

Finally I get a break to look up at the stars in the sky, into your eyes
Where so beautiful on that cold, clear night last season
And you in that midnight dress, I was stoned in love
I came out this way and I guess we were all meant to be here

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