Monday, January 31, 2011

12 Hours

12 Hours
by Andrew Nesbitt

12 hours we live in a confined space
we rule the air, rule the movies
and the rows and rows of seats
drone of the engine, I cannot sleep, but
we are finally hear, the winter air not winter
but south once more, now this, this is winter!

could it really be? but how?
we dreamed of being them, we have posters of them,
we met them, and we love them.
how is this happening? Is this even real?
Monopoly, so much Monopoly, so intense!
one hundred kilometers per hour

“If you win I will cut my hair,
if you win you will cut my hair”
There was betting too
He threw pillows after Monopoly
He almost threw the race
for beer?
“God Damn it!”
Finally he won both times No more fits

snow better than I had ever seen
everything better than I had ever seen
scenery, skiing, the people, the Monopoly?
we are falling in love
MORE FOOD! we love that too
we cannot stop smiling, we are too fortunate

race day, this day, they destroy us
that is why we want to be them
fast faster fastest never slow down on The Farm
we or they will never slow down
they are too good we are too young

“I am not racing”
“Something hit me” Said the silver medalist
“Who hit you?” Said our coach

we loved those days and they were our favorite
we do not want to leave
back to the summer the heat and the north
but we know so soon south will come north
and they will return
we will see them and race them again

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