Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Dream by Rose Gill

I dream of laying in a patch of lemon thyme,
The sweet smell filling my nostrils,
Lulling me into a drowsy state.

I dream of laying under a blue sky,
Of sunlight pouring over every inch of visible skin,
Of being filled with the delicious warmth of light.

I dream of a swim in a river,
Of the river stones beneath my feet,
Round and smooth and covered in moss.

I dream of the garden,
Of the oranges and silvers and reds,
Of green vines and purple and white petals.

I dream of walking through a forest,
Over moss and grass and dirt;
Of the forest floor under my bare feet.

I dream of pushing fingers into fresh, clean dirt,
Forming a hole into which must go young roots,
Feeling the cool moist earth.

I dream of red tomatoes straight off the vine,
Of wonderfully orange carrots, fresh out of the ground,
Of peas - sugar and snap and snow, crisp and green.

I wake, opening my eyes to grey clouds,
Frozen, partially white, partially brown earth,
Cold rain spilling from the sky.

I dreamt of summer...

- Rose Gill

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